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Video Court assists in enhancing the safety of courtroom personnel, the general public, and ACRJ Transportation Officers while decreasing the cost of transportation as well as the potential for escape by establishing a video conferencing link between the ACRJ and the respective courtrooms for the purpose of conducting selected court appearances for offenders housed at ACRJ.


  1. Courts schedule the date/time of these hearings, NOT ACRJ staff. Note: These dates and times are also rescheduled by the courts. We apologize for any inconvenience.

  2. All video court proceedings will be conducted in a manner that protects the due process rights of all defendants by providing a clear, accurate visual and audio representation of all parties involved in such proceeding.

  3. Such service is only available by approval of the Court and with advance notice. When cases are set on calendar by video conference they must be specifically set by the Judge hearing the matter.

  4. The Court, Police and Jail staff have NO involvement in when these hearings take place. 

  5. After processing into the jail, if an inmate is unable to receive or post bond, pay a fine, or otherwise secure release, they will be classified and assigned to a housing unit.

  6. If an individual is charged with an offense for which they could receive jail time and they are unable to afford an attorney, the judge will appoint an attorney. 

  7. Most initial bond hearings will be held at the jail via video conferencing with the judge at the courthouse. Families must go to the court house in order to hear the proceedings.

  8. Inmates will appear for court in their jail uniform. 

  9. Street clothing may only be worn to a jury trial. Street clothing must be supplied either by the inmate, attorney, or family. The jail will not provide clothing for such court appearances. 

  10. During the inmate’s court appearance, conditions for their release may be met. However, if their release has been ordered, but they are wanted by another agency or jurisdiction, the agency will be notified that they are available for pick up and they will not be released to the street.​

    1. Inmates will be required to abide by court imposed bond conditions, (i.e. no contact with certain individuals, which includes phone calls, mail, etc).  

    2. Inmates may consult with their attorney.

    3. Communications between inmate and their attorney will be private and confidential. 

      1. Attorneys can register for a free Inmate Telephone account to speak with their client. Please visit our Inmate Communications page.


Please contact Cpl. Marshall for more information at:



Inmate Hearings


Effective, fair, and consistent disciplinary procedures enhance the orderly operation of the facility and reinforce appropriate behavior and responsibility. Inmate conformity to ACRJ rules and regulations is absolutely necessary for the orderly, safe, and secure operation of the facility.  ACRJ disseminate inmate conduct rules and disciplinary procedures as well as sanctions to all inmates by issuing an inmate handbook (which is subject to change).


In the event that an inmate is observed, or suspected to be in violation of the jail rules, jail staff could charge them institutionally.


Inmates can be charged with minor rule violations up to major rule violations which in some cases result in criminal charges. The penalty(s) for violation(s) may consist of any or the combination of the following if the inmate is found guilty: 

  1. Verbal or written reprimand.

  2. Restriction of privileges.

  3. Placement in segregation.

  4. Loss of good time.

  5. Restriction of work release privileges.

  6. Loss of Canteen.

  7. Loss of Telephone, except for attorney calls.

  8. Loss of email privileges.

  9. Loss of certain tablet privileges.


​A due process hearing will be held by a hearing’s officer or an impartial panel unless the inmate waives their rights to such a hearing. If the inmate waives their rights to a due process hearing, the violation shall be handled in accordance with the procedures for the violation(s). 


  1. Food shall not be used as a form of corrective action.


 2. Corporal punishment shall not be used as a form of corrective action. 


​          3. The inmate may appeal the outcome in writing up to the Jail Superintendent.


Please contact Cpl. Marshall at:


Visit to our Resources page for court contact information.

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