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White T-shirt on Hanger


Many of the items that are not allowed, are readily available through the Canteen Department.


Effective:  July 29, 2016

Items approved to be brought in by inmates serving non-consecutive sentences. Inmates serving non-consecutive sentences (weekenders) are allowed to wear in one (1) and bring in one (1) of each of the following items: 

  • Pair of socks

  • Pair of underwear

  • Solid white T-shirts*


Only the *T-shirts must be PLAIN WHITE (NO GRAPHICS OR OTHER COLORS)and no pockets. 

No tank tops of any kind will be permitted. 


In addition, females will be allowed to wear in one (1) and bring in one (1) sports bra


All other inmates are issued the following items upon being classified by the Classification Department and they are made of the procedures regarding these items.



(2) Boxers

(2) T-shirts

(2) Pairs of socks



(2) Bras

(2) Panties

(2) T-shirts

(2) Pairs of socks

Appropriate Sanitary items as needed


Inmates are allowed to have family bring items for trial by jury only (clothing items only) which must be pre-approved and delivered in a timely manner. When dropping off these items, it must be done no later than the day before the jury trial. Include your name/contact number and the inmate’s first and last name the item(s) are for when dropping off the items.


Picking Up Inmate’s Property 


The inmate must completely fill-out the Inmate Property Release Form when releasing money and other property. Without this being done the request cannot be processed.


Only the individual the inmate lists on the Property Release Form may receive the item(s). This individual must acknowledge this by signature. 

Any questions or concerns, please contact Sgt. Scott Saberg at ext. 235 or

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