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Professional Standards (complaints and compliments)

The Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail Internal Affairs Lieutenant reviews complaints and compliments involving ACRJ correctional officers, civilian staff, inmates and volunteers.  We are committed to providing professional services to the community and to being accountable to the public. Investigators assigned to handle Internal Affairs, investigate each complaint or incident thoroughly and impartially, in addition to preparing investigative reports used for policy change recommendations, training recommendations, consideration, or disciplinary actions.  


Please Note: if this is related to sexual misconduct; you are encouraged to visit ACRJ’s PREA page. 


What is a complaint? 

  • An allegation of an act or omission which, if proven true, would amount to employee misconduct.

  • An expression of dissatisfaction with a policy, practice, procedure, philosophy, service level, or legal standard of the jail.


What happens once I file a complaint? 

  • The Internal Affairs Investigator or designated ACRJ staff will contact you about your complaint. 

  • Your complaint will be investigated.


Do I have to give my name to make a complaint against an officer? 

  • No. We will accept anonymous complaints or compliments from individuals and third party observers, but leaving your information does allow us to follow-up with you.


Does an employee really benefit if I register a compliment? 

  • All compliments are forwarded to the employee’s Commander. 

  • Commanders notify the employee and place a copy of the compliment in the employee’s personnel file. 

  • Supervisors will consider all compliments and complaints when conducting periodic performance reviews.  


How do I file a compliment? 

You can speak with a supervisor about your complaint any time. If you are not satisfied with this or you feel you don't want to talk to anyone about it at the time, you can ask for a Citizen Complaint form and one will be given to you. ANYONE may ask for a citizen complaint/compliment form or click here (Go to form) and shall be given one.  You may fill out the form and leave it with any employee or complete the form online.  


Public confidence in the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail is vital to the continued accomplishment of the Department’s mission. Both reality and perception play a vital role in maintaining the public trust. We want the public to know and be reassured that we can be relied on to investigate our own staff, correct deficiencies, and discipline when necessary and as appropriate.


ACRJ will thoroughly and expeditiously investigate all complaints from the public, staff, and inmates against ACRJ employees who are alleged to have violated criminal law, or violations of the Policy and Procedures Manual.


Administrative Internal Affairs investigations are conducted under the authority of the Superintendent.  All complaints are considered serious and will be investigated by the Internal Affairs Department. An administrative investigation shall occur whenever it is alleged that an employee’s conduct or behavior violates any facility policy, procedure, rule or regulation.


A citizen complaint form can be obtained at the jail front counter or by downloading it here. 


The complaint will be forwarded to the Internal Affairs Department and assigned to an investigator. You will be contacted and the investigator will talk with you. You will be heard and your complaint will be taken seriously. 

You may also take the form with you and return it later by mail, fax, email or in person at the facility front lobby.


Mail or deliver you complaint to:

Attention: Internal Affairs

160 Peregory Ln

Charlottesville, VA 22902

Phone: 434-977-6981

Fax: 434-951-1339


Email: or call 434-977-6981

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