Brandi Thompson, Records Supervisor
C. Cottrell, Records Tech
A. McKinnon, Records Tech
J. Scott, Records Tech
S. Woodson, Records Tech / LIDS Tech
Records Department Hours: Monday – Friday 0830a – 4:00p
The Records Department can be reached at 434-977-6981 ext 303
A. Vine link – to check the status of inmates anywhere visit:
B. What the ACRJ Records Department provides: Inmate Records is responsible for preparing, maintaining, and overseeing criminal records and reports on all Inmates.
1. Inmate releases can NOT be processed by the jail until ACRJ receives the actual court orders directly from ALL courts. This can take several days.
2. Only the ACRJ Records Department can answer questions concerning time calculations and release dates if the inmate’s jail sentence is 12 months or less and without any detainers or pending charges elsewhere.
a. If the inmate has more time than 12 months, please see this section below: What ACRJ Records Department does not provide.
b. Inmates must send an Inmate Request Form to the Records Department to find out the following information:
i. Bond Amounts and Court Dates for charges they are being currently held on.
ii. If the inmate is out on bond on a charge please contact your attorney for a court date and status.
iii. Past and current jail credit (ACRJ only) records are only kept for 3 years.
3. Jail credits – All time spent in confinement for the charge or charges for which the Inmate was sentenced is credited towards the Inmate’s time unless otherwise specified by the court and/or if it has previously been used to satisfy a prior sentence. Refer to the 2006 Code of Virginia § 53.1-187 - Credit for time spent in confinement while awaiting trial.
1. Trustee Good Time Credit (JGT)/Program Exemplary Good Time Credit (EGT)
a. Felony jail sentences do not receive any additional good time for trustee or program participation because release dates are already calculated with the maximum amount of good time allowed by Virginia Law.
b. Misdemeanor jail sentences can receive either Trustee Judicial Good Time (JGT) or Program Exemplary Good Time (EGT) credit, NOT BOTH.
c. Mandatory jail sentences are excluded from any good time eligibility.
2. Trustee Judicial Good Time (JGT)
a. JGT may be earned at the rate of one (1) day for every five (5) days worked on the trustee program. Trustee time is submitted by the Work Release Department to the Records Department every two (2) weeks and will be deducted according to the approval status of the respected court.
b. JGT will not be projected, because the inmate must work it to receive it.
c. Inmates who are serving a state sentence (DOC time) will have the time deducted by the Department of Corrections.
d. Inmates may earn one (1) day for every five (5) days worked on the trustee program however the Department of Corrections (DOC) will determine the amount of JGT awarded and this will be reflected on the inmate’s legal update sheet.
3. Program Exemplary Good Time (EGT)
a. All Inmates serving misdemeanor sentences may earn five (5) days of EGT every thirty (30) days they participate in jail sponsored programs after being fully sentenced.
b. The awarding of EGT is at the discretion of the Superintendent/designee.
c. Inmates must request EGT by sending an Inmate Request Form to the Classification Department.
d. Inmates receiving EGT credit who are serving a jail sentence will have the time deducted directly from their jail sentence by the ACRJ Records Department after receiving approval and documentation of program participation from the Classification Department.
e. Inmates serving state responsible sentences/DOC time are eligible for up to five (5) days of EGT for every thirty (30) days they participate in jail sponsored programming after being fully sentenced.
f. The Virginia Department of Corrections/VADOC will determine if any of the EGT will be credited towards your release date and will be reflected on your legal update sheet.
4. ACRJ submits past incarcerations for VA DOC to review and determine what credit can be applied and the amount of credit awarded.
a. This will be reflected on the inmate’s legal update sheet.
C. What the ACRJ Records Department DOES NOT Provide:
1. Copies of paperwork that must be requested from the inmate's attorney or the court such as:
a. Warrants
b. Dispositions
c. Sentencing orders
d. Notary Service
e. Other copies
f. Federal Release dates and underlying charges the inmate will need to contact their attorney for this information.
2. The Records Department will not be able to answer any questions regarding Virginia Department of Corrections/VADOC or state sentenced legal update sheets (1 year/more sentenced time).
a. The Department of Corrections provides an automatic system to verify state numbers and release information. The phone number is 1-800-467-4943 or visit them online at
i. Note: If information cannot be obtained by calling the above number, it does not mean the DOC has not received the inmate’s paperwork. The DOC will review and process the inmate’s file according to their procedures, which the ACRJ staff has no control over.
3. Criminal History information will not be provided.
a. Family/friend or attorney can contact the Virginia State Police on how to obtain that information.
b. Inmates/their families must address their questions to the inmate’s attorney or the respective department(s) who handles concerns that are not part of the Inmate Records Department’s process.
i. Three-way calls are NOT permitted under any circumstances.
Weekend / nonconsecutive day sentence enables individuals to do their time on weekends so they may maintain their employment.
How do I apply? You must be ordered by the court to do weekend time.
Applicant must contact the Work Release Department as soon as possible for Pre-Qualification Rules. The Pre-Qualification process must be completed a minimum of 48 hours prior to your scheduled report date.
You must provide written results of a Tuberculosis(PPD) test when pre-qualifying this is a 72 hour test so be sure to schedule accordingly. If you have a positive result you must provide the results of a chest X-ray as well.
You will receive a urinalysis test at a cost of $5.00. If you test positive you will be required to serve your time straight. You will be randomly tested while serving your sentence. If at any time you test positive you will be violated and do the remainder of your time straight.
The “Cost of Keep” is $8.00 a day and must be paid IN FULL when you pre-qualify(Money Orders and Cashier’s Checks only).
If applicant fails to pay “Cost of Keep”, or violates any program rules they will be required to immediately begin serving their sentence straight as directed by the Court and any remaining “Cost of Keep” will be forfeited.
For more information and complete rules please contact the Records Department.
Inmate Search
Vine Link
The Virginia VINE system is a service through which victims of crime can use the telephone or Internet to search for information regarding the custody status of their offender and to register to receive telephone and e-mail notification when the offender’s custody status changes. The VINE toll-free number for the Virginia VINE system is (800) 467-4943. This service is provided to assist victims of crime who have a right to know about their offender’s custody status.
For more information:​
1-866-Appriss (277-7477)