1. It is the policy of ACRJ to provide clean clothing and items to inmates for their use.
2. Inmates must mark all personal property including clothing or it will be discarded.
3. The laundry schedule is subject to change at any time.
4. The laundry operates during the week for the purpose of cleaning facility issued linen and clothing.
5. Inmates may send personal clothing to the laundry, using the laundry bag.
6. This is a service to the inmates, and the facility will not be responsible for lost or damaged personal items sent to the laundry.
7. Clothing will be issued on a "one for one" basis.
8. Each Inmate is responsible for each article of clothing and linen that is issued to them.
9. Inmates are held accountable for the use of all jail issued property.
10. Linen Exchange is MANDATORY.
Please direct questions regarding laundry to:
Sherry Lilley at lilleys@acrj.org