1. Submit an Application
- Visit the Employment Opportunities page for openings and
click on "Apply Now"
- Complete the application in its entirety, ensuring accuracy
and honesty
2. Pre-Background Screening
- Criminal History / Driving Record Check
3. Interview and Physical Agility Testing
- Panel Interview
- You will be given the opportunity to take a tour of the facility
- Physical Agility Testing (only for Correctional Officer positions)
will consist of a 1.5 mile run in 20 minutes or less, plus additional
testing, if applicable. Come prepared with appropriate attire
to change into after the interview for the Physical Agility Testing
4. Background Investigation
- More in depth, including reference checks, PREA check, etc
5. Final Interview with Superintendent/
Designee & Conditional Offer of
- Meet with Superintendent/Designee
- Offer extended. Welcome information will follow
6. Start your New Career
- Scheduled for start date
- Orientation (1 week for Correctional Officer / Typically
1-2 days for civilian positions)